Sunday, July 14, 2019

This is the secret of the Pharisees:

Pharisee has actually a very different meaning.
It means two simultaneous concepts:

(1) pruSHIM - means  separated ones, or the ones who separate themselves from government (Roman, European, Communist), from corrupt preaching or preachers, from corrupt officials, from people with bad manners, from uncleanliness, and

(2) paruSHIM, the purveyors of perushim, or commentators of Biblical teachings, as opposed to the Sadducee, who relied on literal observance of Biblical precepts, and disappeared, intermarried or, surprisingly having no skills to negotiate survival with brutal authorities, killed off.

This is why Pharisees have been totally successful, for being able to survive and give the world the nation of scientists, inventors, musicians and actors.

There are few of those who reinvent the Sadduccee wheel and call themselves Karaites. Last time I checked they used the standard rabbinical Pentateuch, siddur, and all other liturgical material central to the rabbinical Judaism. Maybe you're happy to for being a Rabbinical Jew.

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