Saturday, July 6, 2019

Iced Coffee From Thailand, and a 200 Liters Of Raspberry Puree.

Near a construction site this was found in the litter. TASCO is a British grocery chain. This "iced" coffee was made by Vara Foods in Thailand. The product has the Hallal stamp of approval. A typical Jewish question: why does it need to be Hallal? Just like in kashrus, to make sure it was not made with the equipment that processed ham? Or some Thai employee not dropped a piece of pork rind in the coffee metering valve?

And at another construction site, behold this huge drum that held raspberry puree. A typical squat drum that is used by oil and chemical industries holds 55 gallons. In Europe they state to hold 200 liters. This drum looks bigger, maybe to hold 250 liters. I can't imagine a plant or a restaurant anywhere near Jerusalem that produces raspberry-containing dessert. Maybe there is one in Ramallah. Looking up the initials in the upper corner of the label, I found that it is SVZ, of Netherlands, and a leading supplier of aseptic fruit in Europe. They do have kosher and Hallal products. Now we know. The drum is just too handy to pass up when you need to pour a pillar of concrete.

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