Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hydrocarbon Graffiti and Cornucopia of Cream

Hopefully this graffiti artist becomes famous. His hydrocarbon molecule art decorates just about anything in Jerusalem. These are on a construction fence on the Shaarey Tzedek corner of Herzel Avenue:

And these are from a typical dairy section of an Israeli grocery store (Shefa Shuk, Beit Hakerem, near the Shaarey Tzedek Hospital):

It keeps on going:

and going:

and more:

And this is Yossi Peking, on the Dania Square, at night

And the posters at the Dania Square. Note the famous Rabbi Avner Kawas lecture notice, a web yeshiva, Amir BenAyun, Russian cardiovascular over-the-counter medications, and alternative, off-beat music bands:

Talk to you soon.

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